Describing Disappointment

Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.

Psalm 119:116

I felt a sickly lurch of disappointment

I felt a stab of disappointment

I felt a wave of disappointment

A flush of disappointment

A flood of disappointment

Dizzying sense of disappointment

Weak with disappointment

I felt numb with disappointment

I felt stricken with disappointment

I feel a prick of disappointment

His eyes were dull with disappointment 

My heart was flooded with disappointment 

I felt a wash of disappointment

A twinge of disappointment

She felt like the bottom had dropped out of her world

The shade of disappointment on his face

Er heart sinks like a stone

Hot with humiliation and disappointment

She bit down on her disappointment


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