Describing a Character

Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.

Corinthians 15:33

Describing a character can be tricky. It’s best to invoke a picture of appearance and personality in a sentence or two without being too descriptive. Below are example of good character descriptions.

He had a rubbery, expressive face

A tall haughty looking man – his angular face seemed designed to intimidate

Stocky man

He had an ebullient (cheerful and full of energy) head of grey hair that refused to be tamed into a side parting and instead formed messy mounds at intervals across his square head.

He wore small gold rimmed spectacles

He had a round, friendly face.

Beautifully shaped dark eyebrows

Grey, green eyes

Audrey hepburn-esque elegance

She wears her beauty with ease and grace.

High arched eyebrows

Hooked nose

Firm, slightly cruel thin lipped mouth

He has an air of importance about him

Her mouth was set in a grim line

He looked hollow eyes and shell shocked.

He had a wild air about him

His face was flushed with drink, laughter, joy etc.

A dimple forming on one cheek as he smiles

A natural blonde with fine features and beautiful skin

Elegant hands

Fine bone structure

Long, horse face

His face was a grimace of pain

Classically handsome profile

She walks with poise – graceful and elegant

He’s an older man dressed in a sober suit and tie with tidy, silver hair

A willowy blonde woman with cheekbones you could sharpen a knife on.

A ruddy complexion

A short, unremarkable man

Jovial mask

She had a head of close cropped steel-grey hair and was wearing a pair of enormous owlish glasses. 

He was poised and reserved

Square shoulders and a smile that led to a pair of deep dimples

An air of detachment

Cornflower blue eyes

He had the oily look of a salesman that works on commission and all the charm too

He moved slowly and deliberately

Square jaw

Porcelain skin

Dark oval eyes framed by large glasses

Shark, slavic cheekbones

He had a flat, dour face with a prominent nose, thin lips and world weary, heavy-lidded eyes.

Flashing intelligent eyes

Her skin smooth and pale as marble

Her face was set in stone 

She was an enchanting old lady wit sparkling blue eyes and a vivacious temperament.


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